Ken Kutaragi - Sony's Disruptive Leader
By Michias
November 28th, 2023

Ken Kutaragi - Sony's Disruptive Leader

The perspective of success varies from person to person as it is based on a mixture of geography, heritage, and much more. Many of the successful personnel written in
this case will be celebrities, artists, politicians, and businessmen; however, having money is not the criteria of an intrapreneur. The group's basis of intrapreneurs focuses
on their hard work, dedication, and desire to grow their company rather than their individual popularity.

This is the story of a man who utilized his intrapreneurship skills to improve his daughter's game console and ultimately the company he worked for. Ken Kutaragi, a UEC
engineering graduate, joined Sony Corporation as a junior electrical engineer in the sound department.

It was one day when he tinkered with his daughter's Nintendo Famicom that he realized his desire to improve the current market's gaming console. Unbeknownst to the Sony executives, Kutaragi continued to work with Nintendo. Once the secret was revealed, aside from the CEO, Norio Ohga, Sony executives expressed outrage to Kutaragi.

Ohga encouraged Kutaragi to ignore the outrage and continue to build the sound system for Nintendo. Once completed, both Ohga and Kutaragi spent nights developing their own console. Funding was very limited for the men, and it was held as a very tight secret.
Months later, Kutaragi proposed the plan of a Sony gaming system to Sony executives; however, they all considered entering the gaming industry a ris ky gamble. But once again, with the support of Ohga and several years of development, PlayStation was released and its success from it was unreal. As reported 'PlayStations flew out the door as fast as we could get them in stock.' (Hutchinson, 1995)

Ken Kutaragi is a perfect example of intrapreneurship, an individual who implements formal and informal activities within Sony to innovate the blockbuster hit of PlayStation.

Prior to PlayStation, Sony was known for top-quality consumer electronics like Betamax, CD, Walkman, and Discman. Kutaragi used Sony's resources and expertise to construct the PlayStation. For example, aspects of the 1980s Sony Walkman helped create a newly introduced level of audio that competitors like Saturn and Nintendo could not compete against. The public feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with almost 1 billion units sold.. At the current time, the PlayStation franchise is the best video game console in numbers.

Kutaragi showed many intrapreneurial characters in his quest to build PlayStation. His passion, resilience, and determination were showcased when he continued the work when working with Nintendo on their audio system and being shunned by Sony executives. Kutragi had an immense amount of confidence in Sony's ability to open the company's domain and withstand existing gaming giants like Nintendo in a growing, trending industry.

Similar to Kutaragi’s journey, my approach to be a determined intrapreneur is to pursue what I am passionate about regardless as to what doubters say. I will use the
resource the company has at disposal and collaborate with personnel who share the same ambition as me.