Should Educators embrace ChatGPT or ban it?
By Michias
September 19th, 2023

Should Educators embrace ChatGPT or ban it?

Many Avengers fans may compare ChatGPT’s premise to Tony Stark’s JARVIS. Tony
Stark, also known as Ironman, developed JARVIS, a robot that gathers information from
conversations and data in order to interact with Mr Stark.

Fast forward to the present day, and ChatGPT, an AI system, has similar capability to
respond to user prompts instanteously.

The application is still relatively new to the general public, having gained popularity at
the end of 2022. With that in mind, it is difficult to say whether ChatGPT is safe than
unsafe or vice-versa. And it will take many more years, to reach a consensus on
whether ChatGPT and similar tools are acceptable or unacceptable. It is fair to say that
there are many positive and negative attributes regarding ChatGPT. One of many
advantages of ChatGPT for students is the ability to be access it almost anything with
the internet, whereas assistance from another person is limited to specific days and
times. On the other hand, privacy concerns are a major issue for users when engaging
with the application. As stated in question 3’s response, ChatGPT stores a large amount
of information about users, which can be distributed to other groups with malicious
intent. Also, instances of over-reliance on AI, such as ChatGPT, may impede students’
and employees’ ability to learn and understand concepts without generated assistance.
Rather than dismissing ChatGPT, educators should embrace it as a readily available
resource. The groups believes attempting to ban/prohibit the use of ChaptGPT is
impractual because many people will continue to use it. Similarly to the professors at
the University of Ottawa, teachers should incorporate ChatGPT into assignments (like
this one), as a way to highlights the Ai’s positive, limitations and drawbacks. ChatGPT is
a great application that educators should utilize to teach students how to use AI tools
safely and effectively.

In the future, educators may find ways to incorporate ChatGPT to assist students in
developing skills.

For instance, there could be a project based on suggestions given by ChatGPT or an
assignment about fact-checking ChatGPT outputs.

Though ChatGPT may appear to be a problem in educations, it is a predictive tool
based on existing data, so angle the course’s mission correspondingly in order to reach
the course’s objective and provide an environment for student’s to flourish into intelligent


YouTube. (2013, September 10). Jarvis - Marvel's iron man 3 second screen experience - trailer. YouTube. Retrieved March 24, 2023, from