What is the role of design and UX design?
By Michias
November 21st, 2023

What is the role of design and UX design?

The core difficulty of values and technology is that values differ, depending on who and when they are asked. Consideration of moral and ethical values, through the complexities of
modern social life, along with cultural implications is a tall order, that many companies choose to minimize, as it may appear that values collide with one another. As engineers and
computing professionals, the technology we develop should embody the values we want to promote or protect. These values are typically introduced in the initial stages of
brainstorming but hold a greater impact throughout the design processes.
Consider an approach that promotes thorough consideration, and explicitly utilizes value changes throughout, namely the VSD or value-sensitive design, to efficiently use the design

Engineers and computing professionals can benefit from VSD as it requires the combination of applying theoretical constructs, with technical skills, as well as incorporating the
adaptation of third-party values. VSD employs a three-tiered methodology consisting of applying conceptual, empirical, and technical investigations iteratively (Spikermann, 2020).
The conceptual aspect comprises theoretical explorations of the central reason for developing the product, which will result in planning how the technology might impact societal
values. Empirical examines the various plausible instances that may be between technology and humans. During the empirical step,the team will expand and modify ideas through
research, surveys, findings, and a variety of other forms of feedback. The technical investigation phase is used to construct and test the final product.

The idea of a socio-technical system (STS) promotes a new and broad worldview that combines the qualities of a humanism and technological standpoint. As demonstrated by the
thorough works of an approach such as VSD, it will assist the team in acquiring and implementing social and technological val uesin a delicate balance with one another.
For illustrative purposes, the domain of bionics was built on the idea of VSD. Bionics is the engineering study of replicating and/or improving the functionality of what nature already
has. This specialized industry of mechanical systems that perform like living organisms or a subset of living organisms is a new study that emerged in the mainstream in the late
twentieth century. The most notable focus of bionics is the reconstruction of missing or damaged body parts for humans. Initi ally, many body purists detested the idea of bionics, as
they claimed incorporating a robot-like machine to one's flesh is not ethical.

Terry Fox, a Canadian hero, was diagnosed with bone cancer during his teenage years and had to have his leg amputated. Years later, he was able to use a prosthetic leg that helped
him travel his well-known cross-country marathon. Products like the one used for Fox, utilize any remaining nerves in the targetbody part to connect the brain and the prostheses.
However, getting to the modern prosthesis was not easy. The endless trials and studies used to physically combine machines and the brain have necessitated a high level of value sensitive design, as it requires engineers and computer professionals to analyse value variations, such as functionality, adaptability, sustainability, flexibility, comfort, and accessibility (conceptual). Engineers would then develop a value hierarchy that encompasses the intended values of their product and ensures that they are met. The developers then prepare sketches of circumstances that the client may experience and modify the design to address any pertinent issues/inconveniences (empirical). The team will then build thousands of patient-molded body parts, and prepare the new prostheses. Followed by an abundance of tests to ensure it replicate s the function of a biological limb before considering its release (technical).

Bionics development is continuing to accommodate the industries’ and clients' new value changes. New leg prostheses will enable clients to sprint, and there are ones that can
incorporate surface-based adapted flexion and extension (sofiaAJeremias, 2022).